So, it seems the political climate in our country is about
to go from boiling hot to mother-of-god-that-burns. I hate election years and I
really hate this part of the election year. Facebook is no help either…the
sidebar to the right keeps telling me which of my friends is voting for Mitt or
Obama or likes Chick-Fil-A or likes things made in America.
And sadly I find myself silently judging those around me for
their “likes” and “dislikes.” I’m a reformed conservative who called herself
Independent from day one because I refuse to make a choice and align myself
with an entire political party—I’m the most judgmental of the political parties
unless you count Libertarian (which I won’t since their votes never seem to
really make a difference in the race for president).
I find myself agreeing with both sides. I make myself feel
good about it by reminding myself that I must be so open-minded to see both
sides. Yes, it’s crap, but it makes me feel good about myself and this country
is all about making yourself feel good about yourself—especially when you are
on Facebook looking at pictures of yourself while talking about yourself and
seeing what other people think and say about yourself.
But I realized something today and it made me angry—we are
arguing over politics but what we really should be arguing over is money. Of
course no one likes to argue over money—except maybe Libertarians and that’s
only because they get the luxury to look at an issue rationally since they get
to try to prove two parties wrong instead of blaming everything on a liberal or
a conservative like normal people do.
I think it is bad that we have politicized things that don’t
need to be politicized—abortion, same-sex marriage, education, and healthcare.
Why should it matter what political party you are if you think that abortion is
always wrong? Does that mean that pro-choice people are also pro-abortion? Does
that mean you have to be pro-life to be a Republican? When did they get to put
their stamp on pro-life? And who isn’t pro-life? We are all pro-life, aren’t
we? No one that I have ever met is pro-death—and I have even met women who were
raped that got pregnant.
Why do you have to be liberal to say that Obama care is a
good plan? What if you are a Republican and you can’t get health insurance for
your disabled child because your job doesn’t offer health benefits and you can’t
get a private plan to cover pre-existing conditions and you make too much money
to qualify for Medicaid? Then you should say, “My kid can go without because I’m
Republican and I refuse to agree with a healthcare plan that covers
pre-existing conditions.” That’s stupid. Healthcare is not political, but it’s
hard to see that when you are not faced with loss of benefits or disabled children
with no health insurance. As a parent who lost my coverage and couldn’t take
care of my daughter’s medical needs for a year, I can tell you that Obama Care
sounds pretty damn good and it would be nice to hear a Republican agree with
And yes, there is same-sex marriage. You already know how I feel
about that. Is Dick Cheney less of a dad because he chose to align himself with
his political party over his gay daughter? My answer is yes. Politics doesn’t
belong in adult love. You know, the kind of adult love that isn’t considered “forcible
sex.” Perhaps the Republicans would find it interesting to know that gay sex is
the only sex that never results in pregnancy so perhaps homosexuals have no
need to be pro-choice because they have no choices to make? Maybe they are all
just pro-life? But wait, they can’t be because that would make them
conservatives and we all know that if you are gay, you have to be liberal
because politics has somehow made its way into consenting adult relationships.
And now on to education—the platform everyone seems to
embrace but no one wants to do anything about. I will gladly admit that I mad
as hell at Obama for doing NOTHING for education since he has been in office. There
was that one week when he addressed getting rid of No Child Left Behind, but
then we never heard another thing about it. Why is education a political debate
anyway? I’ll tell you why—it’s all about money. And our money is not being
spent correctly and we can’t figure out who is more wasteful with the spending
because it’s everybody—Democrats and Republicans should be ashamed of
themselves for what they have done to this country.
About 10 years ago, I sat at a table with my dad and we
talked about politics. I told him that I truly believed we would begin to see a
strong 3rd party emerge and all these democrats and republicans
would have to change their tune. They would have to navigate to common ground
or else the Independents would take over and win every election. I believed
that notion—I thought I understood politics.
So, I’m taking a break from politics for the next 3 months. I’m
going to ignore your political signs and rallies and commercials. I’m going to
just shake my head and nod and say, “I really don’t follow politics.”
Who am I kidding? I’m not going to do that. I’m going to
keep getting mad and saying what I believe is true. We should all do that. We
should all be mad at what politics and politicians have done to our country.
And we should say what we believe is true whether or not our friends like it, because
if we don’t say what we believe, then no one will ever know. Everyone will just
continue to believe that hate abortion because you voted for Bush or that you
hate gays because you ate a chicken wrap at Chik-Fil-A. They won’t understand
that you like Chik-Fil-A because they offered you your first job when no one
else would. They won’t understand that you lost a baby before it was born and
that you can never agree with abortion. They won’t understand that you couldn’t
provide health insurance for your child and so you like Obama Care. They won’t
understand anything unless you explain it. Shout it from the rooftops if you
have to. But just be honest—stop being political. And I will try to stop being
so judgmental because I will understand that I asked you to just be honest with
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